
Explore Adrienne Di Salvo’s dark yet playful body of work.

Adrienne Di Salvo is a Lady Glass Artist, Metalsmith, and Illustrator creating in South Florida, often operating under the Pseudonym “Babedrienne”.

Babedrienne’s Bones Travel the World

Babedrienne has shared her art and taught her techniques across the United States as well as in Austria, Finland, Scotland, Italy, and Spain.


Babedrienne’s Bones Apparel

You’ve got good bones, show them off! Just like Babedrienne’s carved glass skeletons, you can wear your bones on the outside and your heart on your sleeve!


Follow Adrienne’s Art on Instagram!

From the Streets to the Streets.

Originally created as a chalk drawing at the Lake Worth Beach Street Painting Festival, this art can now live on forever as skateboard decks!

Metalsmith and Glass Artist Adrienne Di Salvo illustrates her humorous adventures and collaborations with other artists within the blooming Pipe Culture. This adult coloring book is sure to make you laugh, as well as introduce you to several other must-know Pipe artists.

Available on Amazon!